Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve 12501 Harmony Landing Rd, Goshen, Kentuky


Adventure Classes: “Inhale/Exhale”

Parklands of Floyds Fork KY, United States

Nanny Pair created “Me & You” Classes where adults can join their child for a morning of fun and adventure! Adventure Classes: “Inhale/Exhale” Inhale. 1,2,3. Now exhale. Life has been hard and stressful and now it’s time to bask in self care with friendly faces and Mother Nature and all her beauty. nur·ture /ˈnərCHər/ noun


Adventure Classes: “Science Rocks!”

Parklands of Floyds Fork KY, United States

Why should the older kids have all the fun at camp this summer? What about our younger children and us adults? Nanny Pair created “Me & You” Classes where adults can join a child for a morning of fun and adventure! Adventure Classes: “Science Rocks!” Science is the knowledge about the natural world based on


Santa Visit

Your Home

Christmas 2020 ‘Twas the month before Christmas and all through the house the kiddos were sad and so was my spouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, hoping that St. Nicholas would bring me a brown teddy bear. But how will he know what to bring me- I fear I didn’t get

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